Thursday, October 30, 2008

Change in Plans

This week we heard from Erica Kenny that during the week of November 10-14, the school at the Eastleigh Community Centre is administering a "guarded exam". We believe that this is a national government exam. The Kennys were told that they would have to cancel their ESL class during this week and that we can not be in the building. Erica was not certain why they were not told about this earlier but commented,"This is Africa!!!"

As it turns out , Malcolm and Patty Card are planning to go to Amboseli during this same time and have invited us to travel with them. Amboseli is the second largest game park in Kenya and is known for it's elephants. It borders Tanzania and is famous for its view of Mt. Kilimanjaro.

Malcolm and Patty Card were appointed as CBM Global Field Staff to Kenya in 2004. Malcolm is involved in Leadership Development while Patty is working with the Guardians of Hope HIV/AIDS program. The Cards are also team leaders for CBM's African Field Staff. What a great opportunity for us to see more of Kenya and to learn more about the CBM work there.

Tonight we invited Katie Carline to our home for dinner. Katie is in her first year at Tyndale University and Seminary in North York. Her parents, Paul and Kelly Carline were appointed
Global Field Staff to Kenya in 1995. Initially the Carlines worked in the Eastleigh Community Centre where we will be volunteering. They now coordinate Sharing Way Development Projects , teach ESL and work with the Somali community in north east Kenya. Katie is a delightful young woman who was able to give us a good overview of what to expect in Nairobi and Eastleigh in particular.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

We love you!!! Take care.